Punteggi e partite 2023-2024 Manchester United: Tutte le competizioni

Punteggi e partite 2023-2024 Manchester United: Tutte le competizioni Table
Data Ora Competizione Girone Giorno Stadio Risultato Rf Rs Avversario xG xGA Poss. Spettatori Capitano Formazione Arbitro Report partita Note
14-08-202320:00 Premier LeagueGiornata n. 1LunCasaV10Wolves2.22.25173.358Bruno Miguel Borges Fernandes4-1-4-1Simon HooperReport partita
19-08-202317:30 Premier LeagueGiornata n. 2SabOspitiP02Tottenham2.11.74561.910Bruno Miguel Borges Fernandes4-2-3-1Michael OliverReport partita
26-08-202315:00 Premier LeagueGiornata n. 3SabCasaV32Nott'ham Forest2.81.26673.595Bruno Miguel Borges Fernandes4-2-3-1Stuart AttwellReport partita
03-09-202316:30 Premier LeagueGiornata n. 4DomOspitiP13Arsenal0.92.34560.192Bruno Miguel Borges Fernandes4-2-3-1Anthony TaylorReport partita
16-09-202315:00 Premier LeagueGiornata n. 5SabCasaP13Brighton1.01.74473.592Bruno Miguel Borges Fernandes4-1-2-1-2◆Jarred GillettReport partita
20-09-202321:00 Champions LgFase a gironiMerOspitiP34de Bayern Munich1.72.24175.000Bruno Miguel Borges Fernandes4-2-3-1Glenn NybergReport partita
23-09-202320:00 Premier LeagueGiornata n. 6SabOspitiV10Burnley1.01.13921.593Bruno Miguel Borges Fernandes4-2-3-1Tony HarringtonReport partita
26-09-202320:00 EFL CupTerzo turnoMarCasaV30Crystal Palace6972.842Raphaël Varane4-2-3-1Michael SalisburyReport partita
30-09-202315:00 Premier LeagueGiornata n. 7SabCasaP01Crystal Palace1.30.97773.428Bruno Miguel Borges Fernandes4-2-3-1Chris KavanaghReport partita
03-10-202320:00 Champions LgFase a gironiMarCasaP23tr Galatasaray2.32.65573.204Bruno Miguel Borges Fernandes4-3-3Ivan KružliakReport partita
07-10-202315:00 Premier LeagueGiornata n. 8SabCasaV21Brentford1.40.96473.453Bruno Miguel Borges Fernandes4-2-3-1Andy MadleyReport partita
21-10-202320:00 Premier LeagueGiornata n. 9SabOspitiV21Sheffield Utd1.11.46231.543Bruno Miguel Borges Fernandes4-2-3-1Michael OliverReport partita
24-10-202320:00 Champions LgFase a gironiMarCasaV10dk FC Copenhagen1.71.95073.249Bruno Miguel Borges Fernandes4-2-3-1Marco GuidaReport partita
29-10-202315:30 Premier LeagueGiornata n. 10DomCasaP03Manchester City0.94.04073.502Bruno Miguel Borges Fernandes4-2-3-1Paul TierneyReport partita
01-11-202320:15 EFL Cup4° turnoMerCasaP03Newcastle Utd6272.484Casemiro4-2-3-1Robert JonesReport partita
04-11-202312:30 Premier LeagueGiornata n. 11SabOspitiV10Fulham0.71.05524.415Bruno Miguel Borges Fernandes4-2-3-1John BrooksReport partita
08-11-202321:00 Champions LgFase a gironiMerOspitiP34dk FC Copenhagen3.02.24836.099Bruno Miguel Borges Fernandes4-2-3-1Donatas RumšasReport partita
11-11-202315:00 Premier LeagueGiornata n. 12SabCasaV10Luton Town2.20.46473.599Bruno Miguel Borges Fernandes4-2-3-1Graham ScottReport partita
26-11-202316:30 Premier LeagueGiornata n. 13DomOspitiV30Everton2.22.44939.257Bruno Miguel Borges Fernandes4-2-3-1John BrooksReport partita
29-11-202320:45 Champions LgFase a gironiMerOspitiN33tr Galatasaray1.61.54351.733Bruno Miguel Borges Fernandes4-2-3-1José SánchezReport partita
02-12-202320:00 Premier LeagueGiornata n. 14SabOspitiP01Newcastle Utd0.52.44252.214Bruno Miguel Borges Fernandes4-2-3-1Robert JonesReport partita
06-12-202320:15 Premier LeagueGiornata n. 15MerCasaV21Chelsea4.11.54573.607Bruno Miguel Borges Fernandes4-2-3-1Chris KavanaghReport partita
09-12-202315:00 Premier LeagueGiornata n. 16SabCasaP03Bournemouth1.11.56873.427Bruno Miguel Borges Fernandes4-2-3-1Peter BankesReport partita
12-12-202320:00 Champions LgFase a gironiMarCasaP01de Bayern Munich0.31.24173.073Bruno Miguel Borges Fernandes4-2-3-1Espen EskåsReport partita
17-12-202316:30 Premier LeagueGiornata n. 17DomOspitiN00Liverpool0.82.33257.158Scott McTominay4-2-3-1Michael OliverReport partita
23-12-202312:30 Premier LeagueGiornata n. 18SabOspitiP02West Ham1.01.26564.472Bruno Miguel Borges Fernandes4-2-3-1Simon HooperReport partita
26-12-202320:00 Premier LeagueGiornata n. 19MarCasaV32Aston Villa1.11.74673.574Bruno Miguel Borges Fernandes4-2-3-1Craig PawsonReport partita
30-12-202317:30 Premier LeagueGiornata n. 20SabOspitiP12Nott'ham Forest0.80.75629.529Bruno Miguel Borges Fernandes4-2-3-1Tim RobinsonReport partita
08-01-202420:15 FA CupTerzo turno di fase finaleLunOspitiV20Wigan Athletic6722.870Bruno Miguel Borges Fernandes4-2-3-1Anthony TaylorReport partita
14-01-202416:30 Premier LeagueGiornata n. 21DomCasaN22Tottenham0.81.23773.489Bruno Miguel Borges Fernandes4-2-3-1John BrooksReport partita
28-01-202416:30 FA CupQuarto turno di fase finaleDomOspitiV42Newport County719.086Bruno Miguel Borges Fernandes4-2-3-1David CooteReport partita
01-02-202420:15 Premier LeagueGiornata n. 22GioOspitiV43Wolves3.32.14731.641Bruno Miguel Borges Fernandes4-2-3-1Jarred GillettReport partita
04-02-202414:00 Premier LeagueGiornata n. 23DomCasaV30West Ham0.71.45173.612Bruno Miguel Borges Fernandes4-2-3-1Andy MadleyReport partita
11-02-202416:30 Premier LeagueGiornata n. 24DomOspitiV21Aston Villa1.82.44442.185Bruno Miguel Borges Fernandes4-2-3-1Robert JonesReport partita
18-02-202416:30 Premier LeagueGiornata n. 25DomOspitiV21Luton Town2.91.84211.483Bruno Miguel Borges Fernandes4-2-3-1David CooteReport partita
24-02-202415:00 Premier LeagueGiornata n. 26SabCasaP12Fulham1.71.25773.487Bruno Miguel Borges Fernandes4-2-3-1Michael OliverReport partita
28-02-202419:45 FA CupQuinto turno di fase finaleMerOspitiV10Nott'ham Forest6128.665Bruno Miguel Borges Fernandes4-2-3-1Chris KavanaghReport partita
03-03-202415:30 Premier LeagueGiornata n. 27DomOspitiP13Manchester City0.23.32753.514Bruno Miguel Borges Fernandes4-2-4-0Andy MadleyReport partita
09-03-202412:30 Premier LeagueGiornata n. 28SabCasaV20Everton2.71.65173.601Bruno Miguel Borges Fernandes4-2-4-0Simon HooperReport partita
17-03-202415:30 FA CupQuarti di finaleDomCasaV43Liverpool4272.291Bruno Miguel Borges Fernandes4-2-3-1John BrooksReport partitaTempi supplementari
30-03-202420:00 Premier LeagueGiornata n. 30SabOspitiN11Brentford0.63.25317.138Bruno Miguel Borges Fernandes4-2-3-1Simon HooperReport partita
04-04-202420:15 Premier LeagueGiornata n. 31GioOspitiP34Chelsea1.53.04339.694Bruno Miguel Borges Fernandes4-2-3-1Jarred GillettReport partita
07-04-202415:30 Premier LeagueGiornata n. 32DomCasaN22Liverpool0.73.63873.501Bruno Miguel Borges Fernandes4-2-3-1Anthony TaylorReport partita
13-04-202417:30 Premier LeagueGiornata n. 33SabOspitiN22Bournemouth1.21.65711.229Bruno Miguel Borges Fernandes4-2-3-1Tony HarringtonReport partita
21-04-202415:30 FA CupSemifinaliDomCampo neutroN3 (4)3 (2)Coventry City5883.672Bruno Miguel Borges Fernandes4-2-3-1Robert JonesReport partitaManchester Utd vince ai calci di rigore dopo i tempi supplementari
24-04-202420:00 Premier LeagueGiornata n. 29MerCasaV42Sheffield Utd2.90.87173.549Bruno Miguel Borges Fernandes4-2-3-1Michael SalisburyReport partita
27-04-202415:00 Premier LeagueGiornata n. 35SabCasaN11Burnley2.72.14873.571Bruno Miguel Borges Fernandes4-2-3-1John BrooksReport partita
06-05-202420:00 Premier LeagueGiornata n. 36LunOspitiP04Crystal Palace0.41.75725.190Casemiro4-2-3-1Jarred GillettReport partita
12-05-202416:30 Premier LeagueGiornata n. 37DomCasaP01Arsenal0.51.55473.600Scott McTominay4-2-3-1Paul TierneyReport partita
15-05-202420:00 Premier LeagueGiornata n. 34MerCasaV32Newcastle Utd1.42.345Bruno Miguel Borges Fernandes4-2-3-1Robert JonesReport partita
19-05-202416:00 Premier LeagueGiornata n. 38DomOspitiBrightonScontro diretto
25-05-202415:00 FA CupFinaleSabOspitiManchester CityScontro diretto

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