Goal Log

Goal Log Table
Pos. Data Girone Stadio Marcatore Avversario F Inz Minute Punteggio Portiere Assist Note
12023-09-02Regular seasonIn casaEsther BuabadiYellow-Red KV Mechelen220-0Silke Baccarne
22023-09-02Regular seasonIn casaAmelie DelabreYellow-Red KV Mechelen321-0Silke Baccarne
32023-09-02Regular seasonIn casaLore JacobsYellow-Red KV Mechelen452-0Silke Baccarne
42023-09-02Regular seasonIn casaLore JacobsYellow-Red KV Mechelen813-1Silke Baccarne
52023-09-13Regular seasonFuori casaLore JacobsZulte Waregem90-0Lowiese Seynhaeve
62023-09-13Regular seasonFuori casaEsther BuabadiZulte WaregemNo851-1Lowiese Seynhaeve
72023-09-16Regular seasonFuori casaSakina OuzraouiStandard LiègeNo840-2Hillary Damman
82023-09-30Regular seasonIn casaĽudmila MaťavkováClub Brugge420-0Jorijn Covent
92023-10-06Regular seasonFuori casaTine De CaignyWhite Star210-0Sofie Tans
102023-10-06Regular seasonFuori casaSarah WijnantsWhite Star371-0Sofie Tans
112023-10-06Regular seasonFuori casaLore JacobsWhite Star772-0Sofie Tans
122023-10-06Regular seasonFuori casaLore JacobsWhite Star903-0Sofie Tans
132023-10-21Regular seasonIn casaSakina OuzraouiDVL Zonhoven40-0Mirthe Claes
142023-10-21Regular seasonIn casaSarah WijnantsDVL Zonhoven201-0Mirthe Claes
152023-10-21Regular seasonIn casaTine De CaignyDVL Zonhoven252-0Mirthe Claes
162023-10-21Regular seasonIn casaȘtefania VătafuDVL Zonhoven863-1Mirthe Claes
172023-11-04Regular seasonIn casaAmelie DelabreOH Leuven640-2Noelia Gil
182023-11-17Regular seasonFuori casaLore JacobsCharleroi220-0Charlotte Brasseur
192023-11-17Regular seasonFuori casaSilke VanwynsbergheCharleroi391-0Charlotte Brasseur
202023-11-17Regular seasonFuori casaAmelie DelabreCharleroi512-0Charlotte Brasseur
212023-11-17Regular seasonFuori casaLore JacobsCharleroi703-0Charlotte Brasseur
222023-11-17Regular seasonFuori casaĽudmila MaťavkováCharleroiNo834-0Charlotte Brasseur
232023-11-25Regular seasonIn casaLore JacobsKAA La Gantoise220-0Riet Maes
242023-11-25Regular seasonIn casaSarah WijnantsKAA La Gantoise451-0Riet Maes
252023-12-09Regular seasonFuori casaLore JacobsClub Brugge430-2Jorijn Covent
262023-12-09Regular seasonFuori casaAmelie DelabreClub Brugge551-2Jorijn Covent
272023-12-16Regular seasonIn casaAmelie DelabreWhite Star160-0Sofie Tans
282023-12-16Regular seasonIn casaAmelie DelabreWhite Star241-0Sofie Tans
292023-12-16Regular seasonIn casaAmelie DelabreWhite Star372-0Sofie Tans
302023-12-16Regular seasonIn casaLore JacobsWhite StarNo773-0Sofie Tans
312024-01-12Regular seasonFuori casaĽudmila MaťavkováDVL Zonhoven10-0Mirthe Claes
322024-01-12Regular seasonFuori casaSakina OuzraouiDVL ZonhovenNo731-3Mirthe Claes
332024-01-12Regular seasonFuori casaSilke VanwynsbergheDVL Zonhoven842-3Mirthe Claes
342024-01-12Regular seasonFuori casaAmelie DelabreDVL Zonhoven903-3Mirthe Claes
352024-01-27Regular seasonFuori casaAmelie DelabreOH Leuven840-0Faye Lammertijn
362024-02-03Regular seasonIn casaAmelie DelabreZulte Waregem600-0Lowiese Seynhaeve
372024-02-17Regular seasonFuori casaAmelie DelabreYellow-Red KV Mechelen30-0Silke Baccarne
382024-02-17Regular seasonFuori casaHanne Hellinx (AR)Yellow-Red KV Mechelen311-0Silke BaccarneAutogol
392024-02-17Regular seasonFuori casaAmelie DelabreYellow-Red KV Mechelen382-0Silke Baccarne
402024-02-17Regular seasonFuori casaAmelie DelabreYellow-Red KV Mechelen523-0Silke Baccarne
412024-02-17Regular seasonFuori casaSakina OuzraouiYellow-Red KV MechelenNo624-0Silke Baccarne
422024-03-02Regular seasonIn casaLola WajnblumStandard Liège90-0Lise Musique
432024-03-02Regular seasonIn casaĽudmila MaťavkováStandard Liège651-2Lise Musique
442024-03-02Regular seasonIn casaSakina OuzraouiStandard LiègeNo862-2Lise Musique
452024-03-09Regular seasonIn casaLore JacobsCharleroi200-0Selenay Doğan
462024-03-09Regular seasonIn casaMarie MinnaertCharleroi351-0Selenay Doğan
472024-03-09Regular seasonIn casaAmelie DelabreCharleroi392-0Selenay Doğan
482024-03-09Regular seasonIn casaFran MeersmanCharleroiNo723-0Selenay Doğan
492024-03-09Regular seasonIn casaEsther BuabadiCharleroi784-0Selenay Doğan
502024-03-09Regular seasonIn casaLore JacobsCharleroi865-0Selenay Doğan
512024-03-23Play-offs IIn casaLaura DelooseClub Brugge250-0Jorijn Covent
522024-03-23Play-offs IIn casaȘtefania VătafuClub Brugge331-0Jorijn Covent
532024-03-23Play-offs IIn casaSarah WijnantsClub Brugge372-0Jorijn Covent
542024-03-23Play-offs IIn casaSarah WijnantsClub Brugge583-0Jorijn Covent
552024-03-23Play-offs IIn casaSakina OuzraouiClub BruggeNo744-0Jorijn Covent
562024-03-29Play-offs IFuori casaEsther BuabadiDVL Zonhoven70-0Maren Van Wijngaarden
572024-03-29Play-offs IFuori casaEsther BuabadiDVL Zonhoven191-0Maren Van Wijngaarden
582024-03-29Play-offs IFuori casaAmelie DelabreDVL Zonhoven482-0Maren Van Wijngaarden
592024-03-29Play-offs IFuori casaLuna Vanhoudt (AR)DVL Zonhoven663-0Maren Van WijngaardenAutogol
602024-03-29Play-offs IFuori casaSakina OuzraouiDVL ZonhovenNo794-0Maren Van Wijngaarden
612024-04-13Play-offs IIn casaLore JacobsOH Leuven890-0Faye Lammertijn
622024-04-13Play-offs IIn casaLore JacobsOH Leuven90+41-0Faye Lammertijn
632024-04-16Play-offs IFuori casaSarah WijnantsStandard Liège410-0Lise Musique
642024-04-16Play-offs IFuori casaSarah WijnantsStandard Liège601-0Lise Musique
652024-04-19Play-offs IFuori casaAmelie DelabreKAA La Gantoise310-0Riet Maes
662024-04-19Play-offs IFuori casaSarah WijnantsKAA La Gantoise441-0Riet Maes
672024-04-19Play-offs IFuori casaAmelie DelabreKAA La Gantoise472-0Riet Maes
682024-05-04Play-offs IFuori casaMarie MinnaertOH LeuvenNo900-0Faye Lammertijn
692024-05-11Play-offs IIn casaSarah WijnantsKAA La Gantoise20-0Riet Maes
702024-05-11Play-offs IIn casaLore JacobsKAA La Gantoise441-1Riet Maes
712024-05-11Play-offs IIn casaLaura De NeveKAA La GantoiseSì*472-1Riet Maes
722024-05-11Play-offs IIn casaAmelie DelabreKAA La Gantoise513-1Riet Maes
732024-05-11Play-offs IIn casaMarie MinnaertKAA La GantoiseNo90+24-2Riet Maes
Goal Log Table
Pos. Data Girone Stadio Marcatore Avversario F Inz Minute Punteggio Portiere Assist Note
12023-09-02Regular seasonIn casaDaisy BaudewijnsYellow-Red KV Mechelen460-3Seraina Friedli
22023-09-13Regular seasonFuori casaImani PrezZulte Waregem580-1Seraina Friedli
32023-09-16Regular seasonFuori casaAmber BarrettStandard Liège300-0Aude Waldbillig
42023-09-16Regular seasonFuori casaNoémie GeldersStandard Liège831-0Jill Duijzer
52023-09-30Regular seasonIn casaSterre GielenClub Brugge870-1Jill Duijzer
62023-10-21Regular seasonIn casaLisa PetryDVL Zonhoven460-3Seraina Friedli
72023-11-04Regular seasonIn casaDiljá Ýr ZomersOH Leuven150-0Seraina Friedli
82023-11-04Regular seasonIn casaDiljá Ýr ZomersOH Leuven491-0Seraina Friedli
92023-11-04Regular seasonIn casaNikée van DijkOH Leuven662-1Seraina Friedli
102023-12-09Regular seasonFuori casaRania BoutiebiClub Brugge280-0Aude Waldbillig
112023-12-09Regular seasonFuori casaMargaux MartléClub Brugge341-0Aude Waldbillig
122024-01-12Regular seasonFuori casaElla Van KerkhovenDVL Zonhoven150-1Milla-Maj Majasaari
132024-01-12Regular seasonFuori casaElla Van KerkhovenDVL Zonhoven171-1Milla-Maj Majasaari
142024-01-12Regular seasonFuori casaLuna VanzeirDVL Zonhoven572-1Milla-Maj Majasaari
152024-03-02Regular seasonIn casaAmber BarrettStandard Liège270-1Milla-Maj Majasaari
162024-03-02Regular seasonIn casaWelma FonStandard Liège611-1Milla-Maj Majasaari
172024-04-16Play-offs IFuori casaNoémie GeldersStandard Liège770-2Milla-Maj Majasaari
182024-04-16Play-offs IFuori casaNoémie GeldersStandard Liège90+21-2Milla-Maj Majasaari
192024-05-11Play-offs IIn casaTine De Caigny (AR)KAA La Gantoise410-1Milla-Maj MajasaariAutogol
202024-05-11Play-offs IIn casaAmber MaximusKAA La GantoiseNo681-4Milla-Maj Majasaari

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FBref è la fonte più completa di dati sul calcio femminile presente su internet. Questo include l'intera storia della Coppa del Mondo Femminile FIFA e le recenti stagioni dei campionati nazionali di nove paesi, comprese le statistiche avanzate come gli xG per la maggior parte di questi nove paesi.

In collaborazione con Opta, includiamo dati analitici avanzati come xG, xA, passaggi progressivi, duelli e altro ancora per oltre venti competizioni. Per maggiori informazioni sul modello dei goal previsti e su quali competizioni dispongono di dati avanzati, consulta il nostro spiegone di XG.

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Ricorda che le anagrafiche dei giocatori probabilmente non sono complete per le loro carriere. I giocatori possono provenire o trasferirsi in campionati che attualmente non copriamo. Questo problema è destinato a ridursi nel tempo, man mano che aggiungeremo nuovi campionati e stagioni. In futuro non avremo mai meno dati di quanti ne abbiamo oggi.

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